Terms and conditions of sale


This registration does not imply state approval.



Any registration for one or more training courses implies acceptance of the present conditions terms and conditions and the trainee's compliance with the contract and all its appendices (also available on the EIDB website). As a result, no contrary, additional or amending clause may be invoked against EIDB, unless EIDB has expressly accepted it.


The present terms and conditions apply to one or more training courses provided by the EIDB teams, in the form of sessions intended for amateurs or professionals in the food service industry on the EIDB's site.

The content, form, prices and schedules of these training courses are defined and available on the EIDB website in use at the time of registration.

The present general terms and conditions of sale, the information sheet (or application file), the quotation and the training contract (or training agreement) with their appendices, signed by both parties, represent all the contractual elements binding you to EIDB.


Training proposals from the online catalog on the EIDB website are valid, until the training start date and subject to availability, also indicated on the website.


No pre-registration is possible at EIDB.

Your enrolment will be effective once the following points have been completed:

- validation of your application following the required individual interview(s).

- receipt by EIDB of the signed training contract and, if applicable, the signed training agreement.

- payment of the deposit, after the withdrawal period. The deposit must be paid to EIDB on expiry of the 10-day withdrawal period from the date of signing the contract,

in accordance with article L6353-6 of the French Labor Code. To maintain the validity of the application, the deposit must be paid no later than 15 days after contract signature.

In the event of withdrawal in accordance with this option provided for in the contract or agreement, the contracting party must therefore pay the amount of the deposit.

The school will acknowledge receipt of your enrolment and send you a signed copy of the training contract or training agreement, or a digital equivalent if you sign electronically.

This acknowledgement will serve as confirmation.


The EIDB reserves the right to cancel or postpone a training course at least 60 days before the course start date, in the following cases:

- when the number of participants is deemed insufficient (minimum number of trainees defined in the training programs) for whatever reason. For example, in the event of late cancellation by a customer resulting in an insufficient number of participants

- when organizational problems prevent the EIDB from carrying out the training under good conditions.

In the event of cancellation by the EIDB prior to the start of the course in the cases described above, any payment received for the course will be returned to you and in the event of postponement of the course,you will be able to maintain your enrolment for another date for which EIDB has availability, without being able to claim any priority and without this postponement entitling you to any claim for moral or financial damages.

Should EIDB fail to provide all or part of the training service to its clients, EIDB undertakes to reimburse the trainees or the funding bodies that finance them. (articles L 6354-1 and L 6354-2 of the French Labour Code)

Cancellation or postponement will be clearly notified by letter to the trainees or to the funding organizations, explaining the reasons for the cancellation or postponement.


Force majeure

In accordance with the provisions of article 1218 of the French Civil Code, all training courses are cancelled immediately in the event of a force majeure event constituting a definitive impediment to perform the contract. Termination of the contract due to force majeure gives rise to a prorata temporis reimbursement.

In the event of force majeure duly recognized before the start of the course, no fees will be charged and the deposit will be reimbursed within 1 month of validation of your cancellation.

In the event of a temporary impediment, performance of the contract is suspended until the end of the event and the deposit will be retained by the EIDB.

Failure to obtain the requested financing is not a case of force majeure.


Candidates may withdraw from the course up to 60 days before the start date, it being expressly understood that the deposit will be forfeited to the EIDB.

Reciprocally, EIDB may decide, at its own discretion, after having validated an enrolment, to withdraw from its commitment to provide the training.

In this case, EIDB will pay the candidate a sum equal to 2 times the amount of the deposit received.

It is expressly understood that cancellation of the course due to insufficient enrolment or force majeure does not constitute a forfeit on the part of EIDB. In this case, only the amounts paid by the trainee will be reimbursed.

From 60 days before the training date, neither the candidate nor the EIDB may withdraw from this contract, which is then firm and definitive. Thus, the full amount of the training course may be demanded by the EIDB in the event of withdrawal less than 60 days before the start of the course.

Any course started will be invoiced in full, even if the trainee withdraws from the course for any reason whatsoever.

In the event of training being financed by a funding organization, giving rise to a tripartite agreement between the trainee/funding organization/EIDB, the terms of resolution most favorable to the trainee, between the present contract and the tripartite agreement, will apply.


In the event of absence during the course, for whatever reason and for any length of time, the trainee remains liable for the full cost of the course.

Thus, any course started will be invoiced in full, even if the trainee abandons the course for any reason whatsoever. In accordance with the internal regulations, sanctions may be applied in the event of non-compliance. In the event of temporary or permanent exclusion, the full cost of the course will be forfeited to EIDB.


The prices used are those shown on the training contract drawn up at the time of registration.

They include the cost of the course and registration fees. They exclude all other costs, in particular accommodation, transport, professional clothing,meals.

École internationale de boulangerie SAS accepts payment by cheque, bank transfer or SEPA money order.

Payment of the balance, which is the responsibility of the trainee, is made according to the schedule detailed in the contract.

No discount will be granted for early payment. Any payment incident is subject to late payment interest. Penalties are calculated by applying the legal interest rate in force at the time of the incident to the sums still due.

Flat-rate compensation for collection costs due to the creditor in case of late payment: €40.

If a funding organization agrees to cover the cost of training, the deposit or the excess part of the deposit received by EIDB will be reimbursed to you within a week of eight days after receipt by EIDB of the total invoiced amount.

In case of reimbursement (training fund, employment centre or other), you alone remain responsible for the balance due to EIDB at the end of the course. You therefore personally undertake to pay any sums not paid by the funding organizations to EIDB.


Concerning the diploma courses provided by the EIDB, the purpose of the contract being to deliver a diploma training preparing for the title “Baker, level 4” registered in the national register of professional certifications, any judicial or administrative decision reprocessed to EIDB or not not renewing the benefit of registration in the national certification directory professionals for the title “Baker, level 4”, will automatically result in the contract becoming void, In accordance with article 1186 paragraph 1 of the Civil Code.

This resolution will take place without liability for either party and will be effective from of its notification by the EIDB to the trainee.

It will result in reimbursement by the EIDB, either a deposit if the resolution occurs before the start of the training, or sums paid in advance by the trainee for the part of the training not exempted.


The EIDB provides each trainee, at the end of the training, with a certificate of completion of training (or certificate of achievement).


In accordance with French law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 and the general regulations relating to information technology and freedoms, the information collected via the various registration documents is strictly necessary for processing the application, registering for the training, and monitoring the learner throughout it. All the terms relating to the policy of confidentiality and protection of personal data can be consulted by following the link below: Policy of confidentiality

If necessary, any questions can be directed to our Privacy Officer data (rgpd@eidb.fr) and complaints filed with the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique and Liberties (CNIL).