CSR POLICY: Corporate social responsibility

A pioneer in professional training in bread-making using natural leaven and organic flours, the EIDB has for many years cultivated a desire to pass on its expertise by training aware and responsible players in the world of baking. Led by its director, Thomas Teffri Chambelland, an experienced and passionate entrepreneur, and supported by a team of competent trainers with strong human values, the EIDB is an eco-responsible company through and through.

Preserving the environment

  • Raw materials almost exclusively from organic farming - local suppliers

  • Integration of ecological aspects during construction

  • Renewable electricity, locally sourced water and solar water heaters

  • Waste sorting and product valorisation

Acting fairly and responsibly in the market

  • Transparency of prices, availability and the registration procedure for our training courses

  • Communication on results, satisfaction and prospects

  • Sale of trainees' food products at standard prices to prevent unfair competition

Enhancing human capital

  • Developing the skills of employees who are autonomous and a driving force for change

  • Equal salaries for equivalent positions

  • Systematic recruitment on permanent contracts

  • Formalised quarterly meetings, management available when needed

Ensuring the transparency of the decision-making and control system

  • Formalised values, shared by all members of the school team

  • Information and communication on organisational and pedagogical changes

  • Planning implemented by trainers

  • Stakeholders identified and levels of relationship known

Respecting customers' interests and trainees' needs

  • Quality certification since 2017

  • Individualised support for trainees to develop viable career plans

  • Creation of a diploma focusing specifically on organic sourdough baking

  • Support for trainees in applying for funding

  • Provision of a platform to encourage exchanges within the school network

Respecting fundamental human rights

  • Monitoring and improving working conditions to protect everyone's health

  • Choosing the organic route, which has an impact on the quality of life and health of producers

  • Working with trainees to develop an entrepreneurial model that balances personal and professional life

Reconciling the interests of the company and the general interest

  • Creation of organic sourdough bakeries by graduates of the school:

    • Stimulating the local community

    • Development of the organic sector

    • Promoting a healthier diet (nutritional and taste benefits of sourdough bread)

  • Donation of bread, biscuits and pastries to charities, cultural associations and schools

  • Benefits for landlords in the valley due to the constant flow of trainees from the school

  • Sharing the school's expertise during tests with our partners