Disability policy

Our commitment to training and supporting people with disabilities

"Since 2021, the International Bakery School has been engaged in a continuous process of progress towards universal accessibility.

To ensure that the people who visit our premises and take part in our training courses feel as welcome as possible, the school has trained all its staff in disability issues, and appointed an accessibility officer to manage its accessibility policy.

We are committed to doing everything we can to provide the best possible welcome for people with disabilities and to enable everyone to follow our bakery training courses.

Thomas Teffri-Chambelland

Director of l'école internationale de boulangerie

Procedures put in place for training access

Preliminary information

In the "Practical Info / Accessibility" section of our website:

  • Contact details for the disability advisor(s)

  • The accessibility register on request

  • This disability policy


In our information sheets (prior to registration), in order to share support needs, the following question is asked:

"Do you have any specific needs in terms of access to training (disability, particular constraints, etc.)?"

Based on the answer to this question, we can work together to define the measures to be implemented.

If the need for support has not been identified prior to the course, it is always possible to contact the disability advisor during the course.

Discussions on and identification of needs in relation to the course

A preliminary interview is held with all people wishing to enrol in a course at l'école internationale de boulangerie (see enrolment procedure).

A second interview will be held with l'Ecole Internationale de Boulangerie's disability advisor to assess needs.

If an AGEFIPH or Cap Emploi advisor is supporting the disabled person, this advisor will be invited to take part in this second interview.

During this interview, the following will be identified

  • The difficulties encountered,

  • Strategies already implemented by the disabled person,

  • Compensation needs and associated adjustments,

  • Communication methods with trainers and other trainees.

Implementation of accommodation

The feasibility of the adjustments will be studied by l'école internationale de boulangerie, in coordination with the trainee and the support structure (Agefiph, Cap Emploi).
Applications for funding of additional costs may be made to Agefiph.

The measures identified are implemented within a reasonable timeframe.

Follow-up throughout the course

For longer courses, an interview will take place at the end of each theory period.

In all cases, a review will be carried out at the end of the course to identify the positive and negative points of the support offered.


Disability Officer

clothilde@eidb.fr07 66 43 70 77

Accessibility of infrastructures

Access to the building

People with reduced mobility can access the building via the school's laboratory. The kitchen - cloakroom - classroom area is accessible via a removable ramp located between the laboratory and the kitchen, which is a compensatory measure following a favourable exemption decision for a fixed ramp (decision dated 25.05.2012). Accessibility for people with reduced mobility is not optimal, but it is possible.

Adapted toilets are available.
A parking space is provided near the dedicated entrance.

A floor plan of the premises is displayed, with details of emergency exits and the location of fire extinguishers.

Glass doors and windows are marked with white strips.

Accommodation accessible to people with reduced mobility

Gîte la Prairie in Noyers sur Jabron,
Françoise Riffet : 06 33 52 07 40 - 04 92 35 48 21

Contact information of specialist organisations and partners

Ressource Handicap Formation PACA

The RHF works with structures and companies to improve their accessibility.

Site : https://www.rhf-paca.fr/

Telephone : 04 42 93 15 50

Mail : rhf-provence-alpes-cotedazur@agefiph.asso.fr


Agefiph offers assistance and support for the employment of people with disabilities.

Site : https://www.agefiph.fr/

Telephone : Standard national : 0 800 11 10 09

CAP EMPLOI dans les Alpes de HauteProvence (04)

The Departmental Centre for the Disabled (MDPH) provides information, advice and assistance to disabled people and their families.

Site : https://www.mondepartement04.fr/handicap/la-mdph

Telephone : 04 92 30 09 90

Action Handicap France

Action Handicap France offers 2-3 hour workshops for training and raising awareness about all types of disabilities, as well as web awareness.

Site : https://action-handicap.org/